Sunday, June 29, 2008

ok fine... I guess I was tagged

So bare with me, I was tagged twice:
Rules of the tag:

1. pick up the nearest book.

2. Turn to page 123.

3. Find the 5th sentence.

4. Post the 5th sentence.

5. Tag some people

so here we go: the closest book is called "Jesus Freaks" It isn't what the title sounds like.. Its a great book about modern day martyrs. So page 123 only has one scentence on it:

"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."

-Jim Elliot, Speared by headhunters in Ecuador while serving as a missionary in 1956

So the next tag is the ABC's

ABC's "getting to know you" TAG.

Complete the ABC's of you. Then, each player tags 3 people and posts their names, goes to their blogs and leaves a comment letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

Thanks Amber, here we go:

A- Attached or single: so attached its not even funny!

B- Best Friend: Sisters and sisters-in-law

C- Cake or Pie: I hate fruit pies, so it has to be cake

D-Day: Friday- Finally Kevin's home!

E- Essential Item: my cell phone, if I forget it (which I've been doing lately) I completely go crazy!

F- Favorite Color: Pink, any shade

G-Gummy Bears or Worms: bears, jackson loves to make them growl

H-Home town: Bellevue, Washington and boy do I miss it!

I- Indulgences: Clothes for Jackson- Boy does that need to be changed!

J- January or July?: July, but I'm not crazy about either... too hot or too cold.

K-Kids: One! that's all I can handle

L-Life is incomplete without: Kevin and Jackson

M- Marriage Date: August 6th 2005 (I think, but I'm too embarrassed to ask Kevin)

N-Number of Siblings: 5. Four girls and 2 boys in the fam. I am the youngest.

O- Oranges or Apples: apples

P- Phobias or Fears: Fear of Kevin getting sick again

Q- Quote: "If a man hasn't discovered something that he would die for, he isn't fit to live" Martin Luther King, Jr, I'm keeping Adrienne's- I love that!

R- Reason To Smile: Jackson starting to talk in real words! Too cute!

S- Season: Fall, I love to drive through the mountains and see all the colors

T- Tag Three: I'll let you know...

U- Unknown fact about me: When I had Jackson, they had to do an emergency c-section after 18 hours of Labor when he started to go into distress. The second they got him out I was strapped to a table with two doctors inside my tummy and instead of asking if he was ok or if I was ok, the first thing I asked was if he was cute! Obviously this was my number 1 concern.

V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: full carnivore

W- Worst Habit: getting stressed out easy

X-Rays or Ultrasounds: Ultrasounds I guess, but don't want either! They are too expensive!!!

Y-Your favorite food: Oh my gosh, this changes hourly! But I do LOVE artichokes.

Z- Zodiac Sign: Gemini


Peacock Family said...

yeah you did it!!! THANKS for playing along.. it was fun!

Rob, Adrienne, Sam, Ada and Tony said...

I think that is hilarious that you asked if he was cute. I think the same thing ran through my mind as well as my friend Tara who has a 2 month old now. She asked me if that was normal and I said of course! Sam is starting to say real words now too. Adorable boys!