Sunday, June 29, 2008

ok fine... I guess I was tagged

So bare with me, I was tagged twice:
Rules of the tag:

1. pick up the nearest book.

2. Turn to page 123.

3. Find the 5th sentence.

4. Post the 5th sentence.

5. Tag some people

so here we go: the closest book is called "Jesus Freaks" It isn't what the title sounds like.. Its a great book about modern day martyrs. So page 123 only has one scentence on it:

"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."

-Jim Elliot, Speared by headhunters in Ecuador while serving as a missionary in 1956

So the next tag is the ABC's

ABC's "getting to know you" TAG.

Complete the ABC's of you. Then, each player tags 3 people and posts their names, goes to their blogs and leaves a comment letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

Thanks Amber, here we go:

A- Attached or single: so attached its not even funny!

B- Best Friend: Sisters and sisters-in-law

C- Cake or Pie: I hate fruit pies, so it has to be cake

D-Day: Friday- Finally Kevin's home!

E- Essential Item: my cell phone, if I forget it (which I've been doing lately) I completely go crazy!

F- Favorite Color: Pink, any shade

G-Gummy Bears or Worms: bears, jackson loves to make them growl

H-Home town: Bellevue, Washington and boy do I miss it!

I- Indulgences: Clothes for Jackson- Boy does that need to be changed!

J- January or July?: July, but I'm not crazy about either... too hot or too cold.

K-Kids: One! that's all I can handle

L-Life is incomplete without: Kevin and Jackson

M- Marriage Date: August 6th 2005 (I think, but I'm too embarrassed to ask Kevin)

N-Number of Siblings: 5. Four girls and 2 boys in the fam. I am the youngest.

O- Oranges or Apples: apples

P- Phobias or Fears: Fear of Kevin getting sick again

Q- Quote: "If a man hasn't discovered something that he would die for, he isn't fit to live" Martin Luther King, Jr, I'm keeping Adrienne's- I love that!

R- Reason To Smile: Jackson starting to talk in real words! Too cute!

S- Season: Fall, I love to drive through the mountains and see all the colors

T- Tag Three: I'll let you know...

U- Unknown fact about me: When I had Jackson, they had to do an emergency c-section after 18 hours of Labor when he started to go into distress. The second they got him out I was strapped to a table with two doctors inside my tummy and instead of asking if he was ok or if I was ok, the first thing I asked was if he was cute! Obviously this was my number 1 concern.

V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: full carnivore

W- Worst Habit: getting stressed out easy

X-Rays or Ultrasounds: Ultrasounds I guess, but don't want either! They are too expensive!!!

Y-Your favorite food: Oh my gosh, this changes hourly! But I do LOVE artichokes.

Z- Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Thursday, June 26, 2008


So I was giving Jackson a bath and on my laptop not paying ANY attention until I hear him saying bubbles over and over again and this is what I found:

After doing some investigating on where these bubbles came from I found out the expensive way that Jackson can unscrew shampoo lids and of course he picked the one that was brand new to open! Oh well, he sure smelled good that night!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

June 2008 Ensign Cover

So Kevin found out that one of his converts from Hong Kong was going to be on the cover of the June 2008 ensign! He is the one in the middle. Unfortunatly I couldn't find a larger photo, If I do I'll replace it.
He is in a Hong Kong young singles adult ward that was featured. Way to go Kevin! Think of the amazing things you have accomplished and of how much good will come from this one young man!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Finally!!! Summer weather!

This week it has been windy, rainy, sunny, and SNOWY- in park city! But tonight it warmed up a little and Jackson enjoyed it!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Lovin' that Grandpa!

Jackson watches his Grandpa Egbert like a hawk! He copies everything he does and wants to help him work. So when Grandpa went out to do yard work this is what happened.


A few weeks ago Jackson went to Nursery for the first time! I stayed with him for the first hour, but after me sitting there watching him play happily I left and went to relief society. He did really good and was pretty happy. After relief society I saw these huge ears walking down the hall. I can't believe he is getting so big... The next week we only stayed to get him settled and off we went alone to sunday school... FIVE minutes later- I am board out of my mind! I couldn't sit still, I kept bothering Kevin, and going nuts. I'm not used to sitting still and not being able to play with trucks, eat snacks, and wander the halls... maybe I'm not ready for sunday school, I better go to nursery too.