Thursday, August 20, 2009

Awkward Family Photos

So my family has a blog for me and my brothers and sisters to post on and we always do funny things on it and have dumb contests and stuff. The latest one started when my sister-in-law discovered a FABULOUS website you ALL need to check out, it is called It is a site that you can upload personal family pictures to and they write funny captions under them. There are some dumb ones and then there are some that made us all die laughing. So we started our own version on our family blog and here is my entry into The Egbert Family Awkward Family Photo contest...

I hesitated posting it on here for all to see some of my more embarrassing moments but I decided that I just don't care! They're too funny to not share.

The first one for consideration is that fateful night all of you have heard about my magical night with Michael Jackson... oh I mean Karl Gamble. This was a pity date my mom made me go on that turned out to be one hilarious prom night and a memory that always cracks me up when I think of it. If you ever want to hear the full story just ask and I'll post it- you won't be sorry!

So I had to remove my high heels to take a picture next to him so I didn't look too much like an Amazon woman next to him, I should have thought about a lower hair do too... OH and to make things better the couple on the left had down-syndrome, the couple in the middle were brother and sister (awkward slow dances) and the couple on the right were super creepy and wouldn't stop making out.

My best fake smile I could muster at the moment...

Oh how sweet ;)

This one is my FAVORITE wedding shot. I mean a picture in front of the temple can really come off as preachy... but who doesn't love a little mini groom who fits in the palm of your hand? (what was our photographer THINKING??? Who would like this?)

At Disneyland during the night princess parade- a very sweet pose of me and my niece Brinlee... And then...

Someone accidentally took another picture right after and caught this creepy guy joining in on the fun... hmmm... weird.

Jackson created this pose COMPLETELY by himself, he picked the block, the boa, and the pose all by himself.

"Fagbeard the Pirate" AKA My brother chris at a halloween party in Long Beach

This is the Pirate costume my mom brought for him... it ended up looking more like a cowboy playing dress up in pirate clothes...

And the nine month pregnant shot... now which one of us is pregnant??? Hint: not me ;)

So there you have it! I hope you enjoyed them!