So I was giving Jackson a bath and on my laptop not paying ANY attention until I hear him saying bubbles over and over again and this is what I found:

After doing some investigating on where these bubbles came from I found out the expensive way that Jackson can unscrew shampoo lids and of course he picked the one that was brand new to open! Oh well, he sure smelled good that night!
lol how cute!
Yummm. Clean babies. Isn't that the best smell ever. Sam can also undo things and loves to dring out of full water bottles all the time. BUT when he spills all over at least it's only water right?
Can you put a price on that fun??? Savannah does this too so I have to put the shampoo out of reach. Guaranteed if I forget and leave it down, she gets herself a bubble bath.
i love that, they look so innocent and just loving life! what a cutie!
That is so stinkin cute! My kids regularly dump in all the soap to make a bubble bath. Drives me crazy because they are old enough to know better. Oh well.
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