Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Jackson Funnies

Some of the funny things he has done to keep us laughing...
~Jackson asked me a few weeks ago: "Mom, is Mya nocturnal?"
hmmmm... yes, she kind of is right now!

~Jackson was talking to Mya laying on my bed next to her and Said to her:
"Mya do you think you're still in heaven?"

(then he turned to me) "Mom- Mya thinks she's in heaven!"

(talking to Mya again) You're not in heaven you silly girl, you're in Orem Utah, in mom and dads room... It looks like heaven though... (aww, thanks bud, I try to make it feel like heaven in our home)

~Jackson asked me what gold fish crackers were made of (ask's often when he's eating something) and I told him flour, sugar, and eggs (what I always say) and he said "What?! There's not even gold in them!!! But they're called GOLD fish crackers"

~He walked into the kitchen while I was toasting some cheese bread to make a sandwich and asked casually "Mom did you burp, because I smell macaroni and cheese" This little observation made me smile.

~We were at my parents one night and were explaining that grandma and grandpa were my mom and dad and he was asking if I loved them so I told him yes, I love both of them. He then said "Well I love you and grandma, and grandpa" I said "what about dad?" (Kevin was sitting by us) and he thought for a second and said "I almost love dad..." poor Kevin ;)

~The brady bunch show comes on after Curious George ends so sometimes Jackson would start watching it if I didn't turn it off and one day while watching it he came out to me and said "Mom's on TV aren't sick all the time and dad's on t.v. don't hurt their ankles..." Kevin sprained his ankle a while back so he is no good anymore apparently... I sure got the point- I'm so sorry Jackson that mommy has had morning sickness for 8 months! ;) If only we could all be Carol Brady!

~The other morning he woke up and came in to say good morning. Normally Kevin gets up with him and lets me catch up on sleep but this morning Kevin was exhausted too so he didn't get up with him. Jackson decided to make himself breakfast so he pushed his chair up to our freezer and got the tub of cookies and cream ice cream out, climbed the shelves in the pantry, got the ice cream cones out, got one of his kid spoons out and filled his cone. Kevin walked in on him standing on a chair at the counter in his underwear eating ice cream. So Funny! He has become so independent lately!

~One night I went in to check on Jackson and found his room super hot. I was sure I had turned down his little heater after saying prayers but it was on full blast. I asked Kevin if he had turned it back up but he said no, so I went to bed thinking I had just forgot to turn it off. The next morning I mentioned something about it and Jackson heard me and said "I sneaked out of my bed real quietly and turned it on without you seeing or hearing me." I said "You did? that was sneaky of you!" he said "well I was cold" so I said "good, I'm glad you turned it on then." Then Jackson walked over to the space heater and patted it and said "yeah, its a good thing we buyed this baby!" It was so funny to us that he called it "Baby"

~Pet names he calls Mya: And No, he hasn't heard me call her half of these...
Baby Girl (pronounced Gurl)
Sweetie Pie
buggie bug (one of my fav's)
my little sweetie
~He received a Doctor's kit for Christmas and when he opened it he responded "Now I can play Evil Doctor!"
Ummm... ok...

~During Christmas we listened to Christmas songs a lot on the radio and when "Do you hear what I hear" would come on he would sing along and say "Do you hear what she hears?"

~He has a great ability to memorize songs and conversations he's heard and sings along to the radio and repeats back song lyrics days later. During the holidays 97.1 zht had a prize giveaway called dirty money and after hearing them talk about it he said really excitedly
"Mom, they're giving us a chance to win dirty money when they come back after these commercials! I'm so excited!!!"
hmmm..... I have to be careful what he hears now...


Hilary said...

Oh my gosh, he is so cute. What a funny guy!

lauracritchfield said...

He's pretty funny. I often wonder if all kids are funny or is it just some. Kobe says really funny things but he has only just learnt to really talk so it's going to be really fun hearing the funny stuff he comes out with. Nothing better than a little kid with a great sense of humour..

Mary said...

Jackson is a funny kid! How fun for you and what a good mom you are to write them down - he'll love to hear these when he's older!

Dan said...

Posts like these make me more excited for Truman at that age. Hopefully he can have even half of comments like Jackson has had.