Sunday, July 17, 2011

And we're off!

Mya is a Movin'!!! This little stinker is six and a half months old and has decided to hit some milestones this week.

She is cutting her first tooth this week. I can see it and feel it but as of yesterday it hadn't broken the skin yet- but it is very close. When Jackson was a baby I never really noticed when he was teething, I would just notice a new tooth in his mouth. Mya on the other hand has had a runny nose, fever, and has been super fussy all week. She wasn't sleeping at nights and we were getting up for a playdate from about 12:30 am to around 2:15 am for a few nights. I am so sad to lose her adorable toothless grin. I love it when she gives me this huge gummy smile! (as pictured above)

The other milestone she hit this week was crawling around... She hasn't gotten the whole hand and knees coordination of crawling yet but that doesn't slow her down. She gets up in crawling position, rocks back and forth, and then just lunges forward head first. Then depending on where she wants to go she will pivot on her tummy or on her side and roll or scoot along with her arms and legs on her belly to get what she wants. It is totally taking me off guard when I leave her somewhere only to come back and find her across the room...

I need to baby proof some areas in a hurry, any day now she'll catch on to the traditional crawling methods I'm sure.


Kori Ann said...

Wow! Go Mya! This picture is so cute!

Merrells said...

They grow so fast! She sure is a cutie!

Kirsti said...

She is so cute! I saw on Thursday that she was almost crawling. I told Kev I would give her 2 weeks before she is really taking off. She is going to be running with the rest of them in no time!!

Mel said...

Aww, that's so cute! I love the toothless grin too. They grow too fast, we still need to meet her!